Cosmetic Dentistry


We excel in cosmetic dentistry, offering a range of treatments that can enhance your smile's appearance and boost your self-assurance.

Cosmetic Dentistry

About the treatment

What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dental care focused on improving the aesthetics of your smile. It includes various treatments and procedures designed to enhance the color, shape, size, and alignment of your teeth, giving you the smile you've always wanted.

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments: Your Path to a Perfect Smile

  1. Teeth Whitening: Say goodbye to stains and discoloration with professional teeth whitening. Achieve a noticeably brighter and whiter smile in just one visit or with take-home kits.
  2. Porcelain Veneers: Correct a range of imperfections, including chipped, stained, or misaligned teeth, with custom-made porcelain veneers. These ultra-thin shells provide a natural-looking and durable solution.
  3. Dental Bonding: Repair minor flaws, such as chips or gaps, with dental bonding. A tooth-colored resin is applied and sculpted to create a seamless, attractive appearance.
  4. Dental Implants: Replace missing teeth with the most natural and durable solution available. Implants look and function like real teeth, providing a permanent and stunning smile.
  5. Gum Contouring: Reshape your gumline to improve the proportions of your teeth, enhancing the overall symmetry and appeal of your smile.
  6. Full Smile Makeover: Combining various cosmetic treatments, a smile makeover is a customized plan to address multiple issues and create your ideal smile.
  7. Dental Crowns: Restore and protect damaged or discolored teeth with dental crowns, which blend seamlessly with your natural teeth.
  8. Tooth-Colored Fillings: Replace unsightly silver amalgam fillings with tooth-colored composite fillings for a more natural look.
  9. Complete Smile Rejuvenation: From teeth whitening to a full smile makeover, we offer a comprehensive range of cosmetic services to revitalize your smile.

Why Choose Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • Enhanced Confidence: A beautiful smile boosts self-esteem and leaves a lasting impression.
  • Natural Results: Our treatments prioritize a natural appearance, so your smile looks genuine and not overly processed.
  • Improved Oral Health: Many cosmetic procedures also offer functional benefits, such as strengthening teeth and improving bite alignment.
  • Personalized Care: We tailor our treatments to your unique needs, ensuring you achieve the smile you desire.

Ready to unveil the smile of your dreams?

Contact Dr. Tâm Phan today to schedule your cosmetic dentistry consultation. Let us help you achieve a smile that exudes confidence, beauty, and happiness. Elevate your life with the power of a stunning smile!

You are in good hands


Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Patients reviews as seen on google

Review 4


Dr. Phan est chaleureux et professionnel. L'équipe est à l'écoute et explique clairement la situation. On sent qu'ils sont là pour nous avant tout. Je recommande fortement pour vos traitements!

Review 3


I had two implants for permanent bridge this past week and just have some nerve pain left with some inflammation. In my point of view, my dental experienced such as the surgery make me apprehensive but amazingly it went well and I was made to fell calm. They are good team.Thanks to Dr. Tâm Phan.